Title IX Sexual Harassment May Apply to School Trips
Title IX By Binnall Law Group - 2021/04/30 at 07:15pm
Work With an Experienced Title IX Attorney If you have been accused of sexual misconduct under Title IX, then you could be subject to a variety of consequences: from school suspension to expulsion, to serious professional ramifications (i.e., losing an internship or other position). There may also be negative social impacts in the wake of the Title IX accusation. Managing these outcomes while navigating the complex Title IX process is a challenge, and requires the assistance of a qualified Title IX attorney. We encourage you to contact our team for guidance on how to proceed. Title IX sexual harassment does […]
Read More What is Arbitration?
Alternative Dispute Resolution By Binnall Law Group - 2021/04/16 at 07:11pm
Seek Guidance from an Alexandria Business Litigation Attorney If you’re involved in a contract dispute, then it’s possible that your contract includes an arbitration clause that imposes arbitration on you (or that — at the very least — gives you a choice as to whether to go through arbitration). Arbitration is a form of alternative dispute resolution. Through arbitration, the parties are given an opportunity to present their evidence and their arguments to a neutral arbitrator, who will evaluate the facts and come to a decision. Arbitration is meant to be somewhat less formal than a courtroom hearing/trial. It is […]
Read More Recovering Lost Profits in a Contract Dispute
Business and Commercial Disputes By Binnall Law Group - 2021/04/02 at 07:07pm
Hire a Skilled Alexandria Business Litigation Attorney If you’re involved in a contract dispute, then you may be wondering whether you are entitled to recover compensation in the form of “lost profits” damages. Lost profit damages can provide for a significant recovery, enabling the harmed individual to secure compensation that accounts for losses that were not yet sustained. Our Alexandria business litigation attorney knows these are critical in some cases. For example, suppose that you enter into an agreement to purchase a shipment of handmade toys from a supplier. There is no adequate alternative on the market. The supplier reneges […]
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