Are Private Colleges Subject to Title IX? Our Experienced Title 9 Lawyer Explains
Title IX By Binnall Law Group - 2021/09/24 at 10:02am
Students accused of sexual misconduct that could constitute a Title 9 violation often wonder if they have to worry if they attend a private school. After all, Title IX applies to educational programs that receive federal funding, like public universities. Although Title IX contains exemptions for some programs, most private colleges are required to follow Title IX regulations. That means anyone accused of a Title IX violation should talk to a Title 9 lawyer to find out how to protect their rights even if the allegations involve a private college or university. How Private is a Private School? Private colleges […]
Read More Bad Faith Insurers: Helping Business Owners Resolve Their Issues Through Litigation
Business and Commercial DisputesLitigation By Binnall Law Group - 2021/09/17 at 09:59am
While homeowners often complain about the difficulty of getting their insurers to pay claims, businesses sometimes fare even worse in the claims department. Insurance costs represent a sizable chunk of cash for every business and nonprofit organization in Virginia. Yet when they file a claim, or someone files a claim against them, many insurers drag their heels and either deny claims or refuse to act on them in a timely fashion. Bad faith insurance litigation is sometimes the only way to get results. Companies mired in an insurance dispute would do well to consult an Alexandria business attorney to review […]
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