Title IX Misconduct and Off-Campus Housing
Title IX By Binnall Law Group - 2021/01/29 at 03:40pm
Experienced Title IX Attorney Helping You When You Need it Most If you’ve been accused of Title IX sexual misconduct, then you may be facing significant penalties that could alter the course of your personal and professional life. Title IX proceedings can lead to consequences that include suspension, academic probation, expulsion, and other prohibitions — and depending on how “public” the proceedings are, they can have an impact on your personal and professional life beyond university. Given the high-stakes nature of Title IX proceedings, it’s no surprise that those who have been accused are anxious, frustrated, and confused as to […]
Read More Defending Against a Perjury Charge
White Collar Criminal Defense By Binnall Law Group - 2021/01/22 at 03:36pm
Seek Help From an Experienced Alexandria White Collar Defense Attorney Perjury is a serious criminal charge, whether in the white collar criminal defense context or otherwise. Essentially, a defendant can be held liable for perjury if they make a false statement under oath, or otherwise falsifying information material to an official legal proceeding. If you’ve been charged with perjury, then you could be subject to severe penalties. Here at Binnall Law Group, our team can help you navigate this charge and avoid liability. For now, let’s take a brief look at some of the defenses that you can use. […]
Read More Suing for the Misappropriation of Trade Secrets
Business and Commercial Disputes By Binnall Law Group - 2021/01/15 at 03:28pm
Work With a Skilled Alexandria Commercial Litigation Lawyer Trade secrets form a critical part of many business’ intellectual property portfolios, from “secret recipes” in the food industry to un-patentable design processes in product manufacturing. As such, the misappropriation (in other words, the “theft”) of those trade secrets can put a business in a vulnerable position — after all, much of its competitive advantage in the marketplace may be based on the trade secret. If you have a trade secret misappropriated by a competitor, then you may be entitled to sue and potentially stop the defendant from taking any further […]
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