Quid Pro Quo Harassment Under Title IX
Title IX By Binnall Law Group - 2020/11/16 at 11:53am
Hire a Skilled Title IX Lawyer in Alexandria, VA If you’ve been accused of quid pro quo harassment under Title IX, you could be facing serious penalties, from losing your position to being suspended or expelled (if you’re a student), to having the accusation “follow you around” for the rest of your career — a poor situation indeed, especially if you are just beginning your career. The situation can be quite frightening, but it’s important to understand that you are not without options. A quid pro quo sexual harassment accusation can be countered in a number of different ways, and […]
Read More When Does a Delay Constitute a Contract Breach?
Business and Commercial DisputesLitigation By Binnall Law Group - 2020/11/02 at 11:48am
Work With an Experienced Alexandria Commercial Litigation Lawyer If you are involved in a contract dispute in which the central issue concerns the “timeliness” of performance, then you may be confused about whether the failure to perform one’s contract responsibilities in a timely manner could qualify as a breach. Contracts vary quite significantly depending on the circumstances — with some contracts, a slight delay would hardly be considered a problem. With other contracts, our Alexandria commercial litigation lawyer knows that a slight delay could lead to a domino effect of losses that seriously impact the other party. Let’s take […]
Read More Can I Have an Attorney Assist Me Through My Title IX Proceedings?
Title IX By Binnall Law Group - 2020/10/30 at 11:08am
Experienced Title IX Defense Attorney Students who have been accused of sexual misconduct under Title IX face a number of different challenges. They could be exposed to punishments that include academic suspension, expulsion, and more. Depending on the outcome of the Title IX proceeding, the student’s career and social life could be upturned entirely, creating significant roadblocks to a return to normalcy. Given the high-stakes nature of Title IX proceedings, accused students are best served by contacting a qualified attorney for guidance. Attorneys and Hearings in a Title IX Proceeding Institutional norms vary with respect to Title IX proceedings. As […]
Read More Reliance Damages for Breach of Contract
Business and Commercial Disputes By Binnall Law Group - 2020/10/16 at 11:06am
Experienced Alexandria Business Dispute Attorney If you were involved in a contract with another party (who ultimately breached said contract), then you may have a right to sue and recover damages as compensation for the various losses suffered. Damages in breach of contract cases can vary quite substantially, however, depending on the circumstances. In some cases, future profits are accessible, while in others, the damages account for the losses incurred in anticipation or preparation for the contract (reliance damages). Reliance damages are a crucial issue in many breach of contract disputes. Let’s take a closer look at how reliance damages […]
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